Tulsikala joined #SafeHands challenge, launched by WHO (World Health Organisaion) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and distributed liquid soaps & sanitizers in nearby area.

It is very important to use the hand sanitizers properly to ensure it cleanses and gets rid of the germs without spreading.

Right use of hand sanitizer

  • Apply the hand sanitizer to the palm of one hand
  • Rub your both hands together
  • Rub the gel over all the surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry
  • This should take around 20 seconds.

Avoid hand sanitizer if your hands are dirty.

Tulsikala volunteers are keen in taking every opportunity to educate and share the knowledge in all possible ways. The objective is to make a difference in the lives of these “little learners” as every child deserves education.

These photos are from a construction sites. TIF Volunteers are teaching, distributing stationaries, picture-story books.

Initially, it was very difficult to motivate a single child to enter the classroom, but then within a week, 5 kids joined the classroom learning sessions.

Thanks to the builder who was kind enough to share a place to setup the classroom. The learning board and the books were funded by Tulsikala.

God Bless our Kids!!

Skills and knowledge are the important factors that contribute to the development of an individual person and eventually to the economic growth and social development of the country.  Acquiring such life skills is very difficult for the people living in the underprivileged communities due to the lack of opportunities and knowledge.

Tulsikala aims in providing opportunities to learn life skills to improve their quality of life. In order to achieve this, along with the support of the volunteers we teach the women performing arts like dancing and singing, painting, sewing, embroidery, fabric painting, handmade paper bags, handmade craft items, handmade handbags and many more based on the interest of the individual.

One’s skills are his inexhaustible treasure keeping him from hunger wherever he goes. The skill development programmes helps to earn their living and thus improve their economic status.

Tulsikala strongly believes that the menstrual hygiene is very vital for physical and mental well-being which leads to women empowerment.

It is important to provide knowledge and awareness of menstrual health and personal hygiene for underprivileged women (deprived section of our society). The women in this category face numerous challenges especially during their menstrual cycle as they lack access to sanitary pads which results in various reproductive health and vaginal infection related issues. To address the growing concern of women hygiene, our organisation will be conducting a number of menstrual hygiene awareness camps and are also planning to support them with free distribution of bio-degradable sanitary pads.

TULSIKALA has plans to install sanitary pad vending machines, give financial aid to sanitary pad production units to create employment opportunities for women.

Nutrition plays a vital part in both physical and mental development of all human beings.

Malnutrition, both undernutrition and obese poses threat to human health. Undernutrition is very common with poor people who live in the underprivileged communities. The lack of awareness and availability of good nutritious food is the primary reason for poor health in both infants and adults in the underprivileged communities.

Tulsikala India Foundation aims in organizing camps that focuses on educating the poor on Nutrition & with the importance of mother feeding, eating healthy balanced diet, drinking clean water, consumption of green vegetables and fruits etc.

The Tulsikala NGO is taking initiatives to raise funds to donate fruits, nutritious food, milk etc. on regular basis to the identified sites.

In future, we are also planning to employ health workers who can use the application called Child Growth Monitor which identifies the signs of malnutrition in children through 3D scan camera and thereby providing necessary treatments. This will help in raising early alarms for serious illnesses to take actions without delay.

The offering of good nutritious food is the best gift in the world and the greatest service to mankind. Let us all be part of this wonderful service and feed the needy with the nutritious food.

Healthy living and healthy environment lead to a good quality of life. To support this basic requirement, Tulsikala is focused on primary healthcare and rehabilitation for the underprivileged families and communities. The main task is to provide medical, social and psychological services and related advocacy.

The urban-poor residents lack the knowledge about prevention from diseases, personal hygiene, nutrition and healthcare. They do not visit hospitals for regular check-ups and ignore the early symptoms of severe illnesses. We therefore facilitate quality health services and promote healthcare awareness which encourages poor to seek medical help when needed.

We will be conducting free healthcare campaign and medical camps providing basic medical information and free personal hygiene and medical kits for families. We also educate them about basic first aid and how to contact emergency help when they require the most. This will not only improve their quality of life but also increases their life expectancy.

Tulsikala India Foundation plays an important role in creating awareness programs emphasizing the importance and the usage of the Government Schemes and related advocacy.

Our NGO aims not only to spread the knowledge but also to ensure they get benefitted out of these schemes, like: Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna (PMJDY), Sukanya Samriddi Yojna (SSY), Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojna (RGJAY), Prathan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna (PMJJBY), Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY), National Social Assistance Scheme, Prathan Mantri Mudra Yojna (PMMY) and many more.

Our volunteers also help them in the documentation work for documents like: Aadhaar Card, BPL card, Ration Card etc.

It is our great privilege to work with government agencies in promoting these schemes and actively taking part in our nation building exercise.

We welcome your support and guidance to achieve our nation goals!

Literacy plays a vital role in an individual’s personal, economic and social development. Illiteracy is one of the common causes for rising problems in unemployment and over population.

Tulsikala emphasizes the importance of education by exposing the children and women to various inspirational and informative awareness programs conducted by our volunteers. Our aim is to focus on migrant labourers and their families, who have their own set of unique problems. As they move after every few years to a new construction site, TULSIKALA efforts are to ensure that progress made with them in making them literate are not lost and a continuous program is made available to them at every site.

Tulsikala aims to connect to underprivileged children and women to Government of India initiatives – Like: Samagra Shiksha, Saakshar Bharat (Adult Education) etc. to eradicate illiteracy for a better tomorrow.